Breaking Into and Succeeding as a Choreographer

Dancing and music are in your blood. You cannot live without them. Above all, you're creative. Whenever you close your eyes, you could see all those dancers on a stage performing the routines that you created last month. 

For quite some time, you've been contemplating to become the person behind all those dances and performances. Tap, jeté, pás de deux or grapevine are second nature to you, after all.

Wait a minute, isn't a choreography career so hard to break into? You might think that you're no Martha Graham nor Alvin Ailey (perhaps not even a Paula Abdul), but the myth of choreography as the unattainable dream is completely false. 

More than ever before, people are fascinated by dancing. Almost all video clips and life shows have background dancers. There are also so many dance schools and studios at every street corner.

The latest TV show frenzy Dancing with the Stars is a good example. For instance, as soon as Kelly Monaco won this reality TV competition, she became an inspiration for young girls and teenagers to develop their dancing skills. Yet many didn't credit the "master behind those glam," the choreographer.

This exciting phenomenon shows that behind every performance, there is a single individual who made this happen. Behind every successful dancer is also this individual. He or she is a choreographer.

A choreographer is the "composer" of musical and other rhythmic performances, which are mostly dances. However, today many "choreographers" do more than choreographing dance performances.

From those simple runway walks by super (and not-so-super) models to those artistic kung fu fights performed by Ziyi Zhang, David Carradine, Keanu Reeves and Jet Lee, all need the help of one or more choreographers.

Now do you need to live where those Broadway shows and movies are produced? Fortunately, this notion has long gone. You don't need to live in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco or Chicago just to survive.

You can live and work as a choreographer wherever you are, including in smaller cities, as long as there are:
Production houses (videos and advertisements)
Corporations (working as a corporate choreographer)
High schools and colleges (working as cheerleading choreographer or dance teacher)
Sport teams (working as cheerleading choreographer)
Night clubs
Cruise ships
Hotels and resorts
Fitness gyms
Stunt events
Acrobatic troupes
Circus troupes
More importantly, you don't need to get educated at expensive dance schools, like Julliard, either. Depending on the type of dance you'll be choreographing, there are tons of community resources for you to learn from (some of them are even free). 

The key is choosing the type of choreography that you're completely passionate about and familiar with. For instance, if you're good with modern jazz dance, focus on it. Be the best in the field by learning continuously. 

Today, breaking into as a choreographer is easier than before. With sufficient preparation on what you're going to encounter, you should be able to break into and succeed in this growing field with confidence. Breaking Into and Succeeding as Choreographer contains most, if not all, the information needed to secure your first gig. It also prepares you to begin your own studio or troupe.

If dancing and choreographing are in your blood but you prefer not to plunge into traditional choreography, there are many avenues to consider (these are called "alternative choreography"): 
Choreography for the Disabled
National Cheerleading Competition Routine Developer
Broadway and Off-Broadway Production Choreographer, Choreography for Theater
Stunt Choreography
Choreography for Television, Choreography for Music Videos
Choreography for Dance Competitions
Choreography in Nightclubs and Revues
Cruise Ship Review Choreography
Island Resort Revue Choreography
Choreography for Concert Performers
Teaching Choreography at the Secondary or College Level
Choreography in Theme Parks
Choreography and Acrobatic Acts
Choreography and Fitness 

This eGuide provides insightful information, advices and tips for anyone who is contemplating to become a choreographer. Numerous hard-to-find resources are included to help you locate pertinent information.

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