A Night of Cultural Exchange through Dance: The Dance Pinoy 3rd year Anniversary Celebration

Dancers of all genres gathered around to celebrate the third year anniversary of Dancepinoy.com last April 1, 2012 at PICC Meeting Room 4. These guests have been valuable partners of the leading online resource portal for dancers all around the world.

Featured dance groups were:
SIKAT Dance Repertory - Philippine Folk Dance
Muntinlupa Dance Company - Polynesian Dance
Art and Angel from Dance Sports Team Pasay
IDance Club - Lyrical Hiphop
Jill Ngo's Goddesses of Bellydance
Dance Pinoy Team, the comeback performance

More than just an online magazine, Dance Pinoy has been mounting several dance competitions: 

Buhawian: The Metro Manila Dance Idols 2008 (Finalist: Funkadelics Dance Masters)
Hip Hop National 2009 (College Category Finalist: Cyberkz Xtreme Dance Group)
Step Off 2011: The Kpop Challenge (Finalist: G4Motion)

More than just an events organizer, Dance Pinoy molds dance enthusiasts to take their passion to the next level.

Students of Contemporary Jazz by Mervin Manuel
Grazielle Justelero
Eva Gubat
Charlotte Gregorio
Flamenco instructor Kristina Rios with student Rachel Montano
Kpop student Laurence Villegas' solo act

Certificates were given to both teachers and students of the workshop themed Travel through Dance, in line with Dance Pinoy's 3rd year anniversary celebration.

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