Dance Survey Questions

Calling all dancers out there! Let us help Heather Hall, a doctoral candidate at the California School of Professional Psychology in San Francisco, in finishing her dissertation to be able to graduate with a degree in clinical psychology.

Ms. Hall wrote to us to requesting the link of her survey be posted to our website as well as have have people who are over 18 years of age and has experienced a traumatic event in the last three years and no more recently than 6 months ago answer those survey questions. She is particularly interested on how people have used their leisure activities, such as dance, movement, music or other interests to help them recover.

So if you are 18 years old and above and had experienced a traumatic life event within the last three years but and no more recently than six months ago, take time to answer the survey questions at

If you complete the survey, you may get the chance to be part of the raffle and win an IPad!





Heather Hall is an advanced graduate student in the California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University, in San Francisco. As part of her graduate program in clinical psychology, she is conducting a research study to investigate the use of leisure activities such as movement and music in recovery from traumatic experiences. Participants need to be at least 18 years old and to have experienced a traumatic event, as defined as exposure to a catastrophic event involving actual or threatened death or injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of yourself or another, within the last three years but no more recently than six months ago.





This study's questionnaires come in two sets or parts. You may participate in the first part or decide to complete both parts for a chance to win an iPad.

The first part of the study is comprised of six brief questionnaires and should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The first asks for background information about you and the traumatic event you have experienced. You will be asked about leisure activities that you have participated in since experiencing your traumatic event. There will be questions about what types of strategies you have used to cope with your stress and any current symptoms you may be experiencing as a result of your traumatic event. The last questionnaires in the basic study ask about your current positive feelings and how effectively you feel you have been able to cope.

If you choose to participate in the second part of the study there will be three more brief questionnaires to complete. These should take about fifteen additional minutes. These questionnaires will inquire about the roles that music, movement, and exercise play in your life, and also about your history with trauma, to help us better understand how it has affected you. As compensation for the extra time needed to complete part two of the research, participants who complete all the questionnaires will be entered in a raffle to win an iPad.

As you will be filling out the questionnaires online, please try to complete them alone, in a quiet place that is free from distraction. You may take breaks as needed, just do not log off during that time.





Your responses in this research are confidential. Your name is not requested on any of the forms you will be completing; therefore, your responses cannot be linked to any personally identifiable information. Your answers will only be seen by me and my research supervisor. The only exception is that, in my research report, I may quote respondents' written answers certain questions. If I use such quotations, I will not provide any information that could be used to identify you, the respondent. In addition some of your numerically coded responses (with all identifying information removed) may be shared with test authors for the purpose of improving their measures. All responses to questionnaires will remain on the investigator's password protected hard drive and will be deleted five years after completion of the research. If you wish to be entered in the raffle for the iPad, you will need to provide your e-mail address. This will be stored in such a way that it cannot be linked to your questionnaire responses.





The questions in the first part of the study ask you to think about the period since one particular traumatic event, and the second part of the study will ask about other traumatic events that you may have experienced. As a result there is a small chance that remembering those circumstances may cause you some distress. On the other hand, most of the questionnaires in this research have been used previously in many studies, and the main focus of my study is how people incorporate activities into their lives to help cope with difficult life events. In the unlikely event of undue stress as a result of participating in this study, you can receive a referral to a licensed therapist for one telephone consultation at no cost. Any questions or reports of problems can be e-mailed to Additionally, participation in this study may help you think about traumatic events in a more constructive way. You may have the opportunity to reflect on how activities in your life may or may not have helped you to deal with the stress you have experienced resulting from traumas. Your participation may help you to have a better understanding of the manner by which you have chosen to cope with traumatic events, and whether or not they have been effective. Participation in this study is completely voluntary; you are free to withdraw from participating in this study at any time.

Plus, getting a chance to win an IPad!





You may e-mail Heather with your e-mail or postal address so that she can send you a summary of the overall results of the study after this research is complete (about a year from now). If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact the university review board to address these issues: IRB Student Liaison, Alliant International University, One Beach St., Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94133. (415) 955-2151,








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