Tamara Di Tella's TANGOLATES

TANGOLATES (Tango-Pilates or Pilates Tango) belongs to the mind-body group of aerobics exercises. Its background is from Tango and Pilates, yet it is different from both. The exercise is a combination of the core stability in Pilates with the concentration, coordination and fluid movement of Tango music.

1. History

Developed in the School of Medicine Hospital in Buenos Aires University in 2004 initially for patients with motor disorders. Patients were coupled with an instructor for partner exercises. Then, the strong beat and rhythm of Tango has been incorporated to help initiate movement. Routines then have been choreographed for two to Tango music, now known as Tangolates.

2. Founder

TAMARA DI TELLA, the developer of this method has written books and articles concerning Pilates (Tamara Di Tella Pilates) and Tangolates (Tangolates: A Different, Distinctive and Unique Method). Currently, she is the the Director of Tamara Di Tella Schools of Training where "teachers of teachers" form and certify young instructors-to-be. She claims that  "with the help of the medical doctors from the Hospital, I developed my new method, a cardio version of my classical Pilates. My method is called Tamara Di Tella (tangolates® or Tango Pilates), although most people prefer to call it The Tamara Di Tella Method. Gradually, my method evolved into what is today: an aerobic, core-control, calorie burning Pilates partner routines to perform on a special apparatus called T-DITELLA®." Primarily, Tamara envisions to enhance the traditional Pilates and go mainstream through its innovation, the scientifically-priven Tangolates. She is considered to be a pioneer in the Spanish-speaking fitness world.

3. T-Ditella

Aside from the traditonal yoga mat, Tangolates is usually performed a specially designed apparatus called T-DITELLA. As stated in its press release, the T-Ditella is suitable for all types of people. It will help dancers to develop and maintain good posture. For students who are starting out to dance, the equipment will help them to execute the movements properly. For dance teachers, the equipment will help enrich their understanding on each bodily movement executed through dance. As for the average person, the equipment gives off health and fitness benefits, making each and everyone look and feel good.

4. Music Therapy for Persons with Nervous Dysfunction

Studies have shown how music helps stimulate people with nervous system disroders to move. There has been evidence that "the interaction between auditory rhythm and physical response can be effectively harnessed for specfic therapeutic purposes in the rehabilitation of persons with movement disorders". In the case of Tango music which is made up of strong beat rhythms, the auditory nerve cells then stimulates the patients to move. It is strongly believed in the medical field that "there is a strong relationship between the physical stimulus of the music and the sensory responses that enable the exercises to achieve better results". All types of music with a strong rhythimic beat are excellent ways to get patients with motor dysfunction to initiate movement.

5. Partner Rapport

 Another aspect of Tangolates is that it involves partner work which in the process requires good rapport between two people. Partner work can help in stimulating the brain of making a movement as the patient follows what the instructor does. "It is that internal ignition that may just work for some brain disorder patients", Tamara says. Additonally, "Tango stimulates cooperation and creates bond like no other dance, and this is an extraordinary motivator for some patients". (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangolates)

Patients with motor dysfunction are more often than not unable to imagine a movement which makes them not have the initiative do it. But with the instructor being in front of the patient, all he or she has to do is to copy what the other is doing.  Now, with the help of other pilates experts in the US, Tangolates evolved to partner routines which condition the entire body, creating a path for flowing movement, centering and concentration.  Other benefits are good posture, flexibility, muscle tone, body lengthening and alignment of the spine. Indeed, IT TAKES TWO TO TANGOLATES!

6. Fitness Benefits

As with other fitness stretching exercises, Tangolates improves coordination and strength. It actually requires more coordination as an exerciser has to coordinate his own movements to the person working in front of him or her. Partner exercises can definitely bring out more strength in each of the person training together. Also, a person alone can only stretch so far but in assisted stretching, a partner working by his or her side can  stretch a little more farther for a truly satisfying workout.

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